Each year, thousands of workers sustain job and work injuries. Such injuries can be so severe as to leave a person disabled temporarily or permanently. Some of the injuries that a worker may sustain at work include: first to third degree burns, injuries to knees, hands, shoulder, neck and head, loss of hearing, loss of limbs and other damages that are as debilitating. As a worker, you are entitled to a secure and safe working environment. Thus, if you suffer a work related injury, the law gives you the right to seek damages for your work related accident. However, to be able to increase your chances of getting the maximum benefits, you need to have an experienced personal injury lawyer by your side.

In the state of Texas as well as in some other states, majority of the employers are mandated to have workers compensation insurance in a so-called no fault system. The laws of the state can also give protection to employers against lawsuits even if the work related accident was their fault. Many victims of job/work injuries suffer unnecessarily because their claims on workers compensation are usually denied, delayed and disputed by insurance companies and employers. The compensation may also pay for medical expenses as well as part of lost income but do not provide for pain and suffering.

In addition, getting compensation for on the job injuries through workers compensation insurance is usually difficult, protracted and full of bureaucratic procedures that are filled with deadlines, plenty of paperwork and continuous attempts of insurance adjusters to refute your claim with the use of weak evidence. Because an insurance provider is behind the policy, they do not want to have your bills, and will strive to deny or reduce your claims. In some occasions, the workers compensation claim can even be challenged through a special court case. If you will not be able to prove your claim or justify the sum that you are seeking for your injury and economic losses, you will probably get a small amount or no compensation at all.

Aside from claiming against your employer through workers compensation, you may also be able to file a case against a party other than your employer for a work related injuries. These would include the maker or manufacturer of faulty equipment, consulting engineers, architects, contractors, safety consultants and other parties that may be responsible for the injury you suffered through a work related accident.

If you suffered a job or work injury as a result of an employer or third parties negligence in Desoto, you should contact the job injury lawyers at The Goolsby Law Firm as soon as you can. A personal injury attorney from our firm will be able to help you in recovering compensation that will cover your medical expenses, lost income, emotional trauma, pain and suffering. Our personal injury lawyers work on a contingent fee basis so you should not worry about their legal fees unless we recover compensations for you.

The Goolsby Law Firm – Protecting Your Rights
(972) 394-2141